
Yeah, I know, alright? It’s called dog food; the appropriate end user is stated in the name. In my defense, kids are pretty fast and pretty sneaky, and as previously stated the dog is fully colluding with them at this point. Besides, the boy preferentially eats floor stuff. You can’t stop this kid from finding old cheerios under the radiator or goldfish dust that’s been ground into the carpet. He prefers them! His refined palate favors the mellow flavors of an aged cracker, seasoned with floor dirt and crayon residue. A true gourmand.

In other news, my laptop died. It didn’t die in a quiet, conventional way; it died in a “become a lithium-based incendiary device” sort of way. This has, unfortunately, somewhat stymied my comic output over the past month or so. It’s hard to justify working on my little doodles while the battery pack in my surface pro 4 slowly inflates, bulging the screen further and further out from the body of the device.

I used Ubuntu to format the drive before recycling it, although all my computer-inclined friends kept telling me that if I just waited it would probably format itself (and everything in a one meter radius) sooner or later.

“Friends” feels like strong language, now I think about it.

Fortunately for me (extremely, extremely fortunately) my father-in-law just bought a new laptop, so he let me repurpose his old one for my dark works. It took a while to get all my drivers and settings configured how I like them, but I think we may be up and running again now! I successfully posted a comic today, so that seems pretty promising!

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