It’s kind of interesting how sickness can alter your idea of normalcy. I’m not talking about, like, big, life-changing ailments, just a persistent string of upper respiratory tract infections. Once you get 3 or 4 of them lined up back-to-back, that just sort of becomes your baseline. You get used to a life where you can’t breathe through your nose, or constantly gag on post-nasal drip. Eventually, you don’t even miss being healthy anymore.
Other people don’t feel that way though.
The effect that a single sick toddler can exert on any number of healthy, child-naive adults is swift and terrible. It is disease on another level. You can tell yourself that you have a good immune system, that you “never get sick,” but you’re deluding yourself. You’re not ready for the big leagues. Frankly, if you aren’t taking turns licking the foot pedal of a trash can in a room where a dozen babies get their diapers changed, you aren’t even showing up to practice.